Can the flipper be worn over braces?
No, the flipper would have to be so bulky to fit over the braces that it would not be natural-looking.

How Long will a flipper last?
It all depends on your child's teeth.  The impression will capture the position of your child's teeth at the moment in time that it is taken.  ANY changes in your child's mouth after the impression was taken can affect the flipper's fit. Sometimes the flipper can be adjusted to fit the new changes & other times a new flipper is needed to correct the fit.

What if the flipper breaks or chips, can it be repaired?
Yes, as long as a flipper still fits it can be repaired.  At Unity, repairs are always FREE!  That’s right, all you pay is the shipping of your choice starting at $7.

What size will the flipper teeth be?
Our flipper designs are age appropriate and the size of the flipper is determined by the size of your child’s teeth.  If you child has baby teeth & small spaces, the flipper teeth will also be small.  If your child has adult teeth then the flipper will also have to be adult teeth.  

Will my Child need a Lower flipper?
Have your child smile, if she/he does not show their lower teeth, then a lower flipper may not be needed. If they do show their lower teeth then it may be best to purchase the Lower flipper. If you are still unsure, we would be happy to assist you in your decision making.

Will the Pageant flipper still fit after my child loses a tooth?
Losing teeth indicates changes in the mouth and changes affect the flipper's fit. The flipper may or may not fit after the tooth loss.  Sometimes a flipper can be adjusted or reworked to fit the new changes and other times a new flipper is needed to correct the fit. Please contact us during these times of changes and we can help in planning out what steps need to be taken.

Will the flipper stay in by itself or will adhesive be needed?
Most flippers stay in by means of friction and no adhesive is necessary.  Some flippers do require a bit of adhesive to help them stay in place. We recommend a free and clear denture adhesive such as Polygrip Free and Clear that can be purchased at any drugstore.

While wearing the flipper can my child eat or drink?
Absolutely Not! The flipper is Not a functional device, it's just used for Smiling.  The Child should always be supervised while wearing the pageant flipper.

My child is not missing any teeth but has small teeth with spaces, will a flipper help?
Absolutely, a flipper will fill in the spaces and give a Brighter Smile.

What is the pageant flipper made of?
The flipper is made of high quality, light cured, dental acrylic. The flipper is glazed with dental acrylic glaze.